Dental Implants

All on Four / All on Six Treatments

Patients with missing or all lost teeth can achieve a permanent dental restoration through two popular implant treatment methods known as “All-on-Four” and “All-on-Six.

All on Four / All on Six Treatments

In the “All-on-Four” procedure, four implants are strategically placed in either the upper or lower jaw, which is completely edentulous. Subsequently, these implants are linked with a specially crafted prosthesis, offering a comprehensive set of teeth.

In contrast, the “All-on-Six” approach involves the placement of six implants for individuals experiencing tooth loss. This method integrates six implants positioned across a broader area of the tooth roots, enhancing both durability and stability.

Both techniques offer a solution for patients who have encountered bone loss or inadequate bone density in their jawbone, facilitating the precise placement of dental implants.

These procedures present a notable benefit for individuals undergoing tooth loss, as they deliver a natural-looking appearance that mimics the aesthetic and functional aspects of natural teeth. Moreover, patients can use their teeth in a normal manner. Furthermore, dental implants play a crucial role in preserving the jaw structure and preventing bone loss by impeding the movement of adjacent teeth.


What are the Benefits of All-on-Four and All-on-Six Implants?

“All-on-Four” and “All-on-Six” implant treatment offer many benefits for patients with missing teeth or those who have lost all their teeth.

These include:

Providing an aesthetic appearance reminiscent of natural teeth, both All-on-Four and All-on-Six implant treatments contribute to heightened patient confidence and an improved overall appearance.

Restoring functionality, these implant treatments enable patients to use their teeth for normal activities such as eating and speaking, enhancing their overall oral capabilities.

In addition to preventing bone loss in the jaw and supporting adjacent teeth, implants play a pivotal role in preserving the jaw structure and fostering a healthier oral environment.

The comfort offered by implants surpasses that of other dental prostheses, as they function as fixed dental solutions, eliminating the need for removal or attachment by patients.

With proper care, All-on-Four and All-on-Six implant treatments boast longevity, presenting patients with a durable, long-term solution that eliminates the frequent replacement requirement associated with other dental prostheses.

Noteworthy is the shorter treatment time required for All-on-Four and All-on-Six implant treatments compared to alternative implant procedures, facilitating a quicker restoration of teeth for patients.

Similar to any dental procedure, there are potential risks associated with All-on-Four and All-on-Six implant treatments, emphasizing the importance of precise placement. Consequently, individuals contemplating implant treatment should engage in discussions with a dentist to assess their candidacy and ensure the appropriateness of the procedure for their specific case.

What Should be Considered After All On Four and All On Six Treatment?

After All-on-Four and All-on-Six implant treatment, it is important for patients to pay attention to the following points:

Taking medications regularly: It is important to take prescribed medications regularly to control pain and swelling after implant treatment.

Diet: Soft and easily chewable foods may be necessary for the first few days. Gradually starting to consume hard and hot foods is important.

Oral hygiene: Maintaining implant hygiene is as important as maintaining natural teeth. Implants should be cleaned regularly using a toothbrush and dental floss.

Not smoking: Smoking can increase the likelihood of implant failure. It may be necessary to refrain from smoking for at least a few weeks after implant treatment.

Regular dental check-ups: Regular dental check-ups after implant treatment are important. The dentist will ensure that the implants are healing properly and that no problems are occurring.

Preventing teeth grinding: Teeth grinding can increase the risk of implant failure. Patients who experience teeth clenching or grinding at night should consult with their dentists to find a solution to this problem.

Being careful with sports activities: Avoiding heavy sports activities may be necessary after implant treatment. These activities can increase the risk of implant failure.

Paying attention to these points is important for the success of implant treatment and for the implants to last for a long time. In case of any problems after implant treatment, it is necessary to consult the dentist as soon as possible.

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