Aesthetic Dentistry

What is E-max Veneer?

E-max veneer is a type of porcelain coating used in the field of aesthetic dentistry. E-max veneers are particularly preferred for improving the aesthetic appearance of front teeth. They can be used to correct the color, shape, and size of teeth.

E-Max Veneer

Tooth whitening is typically performed in the dentist’s chair. There are two main teeth whitening methods: in-office whitening and at-home whitening. In-office whitening uses a potent whitening solution applied by the dentist, whereas at-home whitening is typically carried out using a special whitening gel recommended by the dentist and a tooth tray.


How is E-max Veneer Coating Applied?

The fabrication of E-max veneer coating is typically completed in two visits. During the first visit, the dentist examines your teeth, takes measurements, and initiates the preparation procedures.

Preparation Procedures: To prepare your teeth, the dentist first slightly reduces and removes the outer layers of your teeth. This is necessary to ensure compatibility with the veneers that will be attached later. Impressions are taken of your teeth, and these measurements are sent to the laboratory.

Placement of Temporary Veneers: Temporary veneers, tailored to the shape of your teeth, are placed. These temporary coverings protect your teeth until the final product is ready.

Preparation in the Laboratory: In the laboratory, e-max veneers are custom-made using your dental impressions. They are prepared to match the color and size specifications determined by your dentist.

Attachment of Veneers: During the second visit, temporary coverings are removed, and the dentist bonds the e-max veneers to your teeth using a special adhesive. After the adhesive is applied, the veneers are cured with a special light, and final checks are performed.

When is Emax Veneer Coating Applied?

Irregularities in Tooth Shape and Size: E-max veneers can be used to correct irregularities in tooth shape and size. For example, they can increase the size of small teeth or correct the shape of misaligned teeth.

Tooth Discoloration: E-max veneers can be used to correct discolored or stained teeth in terms of color, restoring them to their natural whiteness.

Cracks and Chips in Teeth: E-max veneers can be used to cover small damages such as cracks and chips in teeth.

Gaps Between Teeth: Gaps between teeth can be closed using e-max veneers.

Tooth Wear: Worn-down teeth can be restored to a healthy appearance by covering them with e-max veneers.

Cases of Excessive Tooth Wear: In situations where teeth have undergone excessive wear, e-max veneers can contribute to the protection of teeth.

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