Aesthetic Dentistry

What is Dental Filling?

Utilized as a treatment for tooth decay, dental filling serves to address and fill cavities within teeth. This procedure commonly involves the application of materials like composite resin, amalgam (silver), or gold.

Dental filling

Commencing with the removal of decayed portions or the cleaning of cavities, the dental filling procedure involves the dentist selecting an appropriate filling material. This chosen material is then skillfully applied to the tooth, reconstructing its form. Shaping the filling material to match the contours of the tooth, the dentist proceeds to harden it. The final steps include smoothing and polishing the surface of the filling to achieve a refined finish.

Applicable for treating decay, addressing cracks or fractures, aligning teeth, and filling gaps, dental filling serves various purposes. This procedure, usually accomplished in a single visit, entails minimal side effects like pain or sensitivity. The longevity of the filling material, though, may fluctuate based on factors such as the chosen material, tooth location, and the level of dental care provided.


Who is dental filling done for?

Dental filling can typically be done for individuals of all ages to treat tooth decay, repair damaged teeth, and fill in gaps. Dental filling can help prevent tooth loss by stopping the progression of tooth decay.

Appropriate for individuals experiencing tooth decay, cracks, or gaps, dental filling is a viable solution. Following a comprehensive examination, a dentist may recommend dental filling based on your specific dental issues and requirements. Your dentist will assess your dental condition and needs, subsequently suggesting the most suitable filling options for you.

Nonetheless, there are situations where dental filling may not be the most suitable option. For instance, if the tooth decay is exceptionally extensive or if substantial damage extends to other areas of the tooth, a more comprehensive treatment such as root canal therapy or a dental implant may become necessary. Your dentist can provide guidance on the appropriateness of filling for your specific case.

In what situations is dental filling done?

The dentist determines whether dental filling is necessary or not and dental filling may be recommended in the following situations:

Tooth decay: Tooth decay causes the hard tissue of the tooth to break down and form cavities. Dentists can restore the tooth to its original shape by removing the decayed portion and filling the cavity with filling materials.

Cracked or chipped teeth: Cracked or chipped teeth can be treated with dental fillings. Dentists use suitable filling materials to repair cracked or chipped teeth.

Tooth wear: Teeth can wear down over time due to acidic food and drinks or brushing and flossing. Dental fillings help to restore the worn portions of the teeth, improving their natural appearance.

Gaps in teeth: Gaps between teeth can occur between teeth or below the gum line. Dental fillings help to fill in the gaps, making teeth look smoother and helping them fit together more tightly.

Cosmetic purposes: Dental fillings can also be used for cosmetic purposes to improve the color, shape, and size of teeth. For example, composite fillings can be shaped to match the color of the teeth and help restore their natural appearance.

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