Aesthetic Dentistry

What is Zirconium Dental Crown?

Zirconium dental crown is a type of coating made of a metal oxide compound called zirconium, which is used to cover teeth. This coating is particularly used to provide an aesthetic appearance, especially for the front teeth.

Zirconium dental crowns are preferred for their durability, long lifespan, and natural-looking appearance that closely matches the color of natural teeth. Additionally, the risk of allergic reactions is low, and they require less tooth reduction compared to other types of dental crowns.

Zirconium dental crowns are prepared in laboratories according to the dental measurements taken from a special scanner, and then they are placed on the tooth in a custom-fit manner. This procedure is usually completed in two sessions and ensures that the teeth have a healthy appearance.

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How is Zirconium Dental Crown Done?

The process of making a zirconium dental crown is usually a two-stage procedure and involves the following steps:

Tooth Preparation: The tooth to be covered with a zirconium dental crown is first prepared. During this process, the dentist shapes the tooth by removing a portion of the enamel and dentin on the surface of the tooth. This is important to maintain the natural appearance of the tooth after it is covered with a zirconium crown.

Taking the Impression: A special impression is taken for the prepared tooth. This impression provides detailed information about the size and shape of the tooth and is used by laboratory technicians for the production of the zirconium dental crown.

Zirconium Crown Production: Laboratory technicians create a zirconium crown using special CAD/CAM software based on the measurements taken. This process precisely replicates the natural shape and size of the tooth, and a color matching process is performed to achieve an aesthetic result.

Crown Placement: The zirconium crown is placed onto the tooth and adjusted accordingly. The dentist uses a special adhesive to fix the crown onto the tooth. The crown provides a natural appearance to the tooth surface and also offers a durable and long-lasting solution.

In general, zirconium crown production is less invasive compared to other dental crown methods and is also one of the best options to achieve an aesthetic result.

What are the features of zirconium dental crowns?

Zirconium dental veneers are a popular choice among dental veneer options due to their many features.

Some of these features include:

Durability: Zirconium dental crowns are more durable than other types of dental crowns, offering a long-lasting solution.

Aesthetics: Zirconium dental crowns mimic the natural appearance of teeth and can be nearly the same color as natural teeth, which is important for achieving an aesthetic result.

Low risk of allergies: Zirconium dental crowns do not carry the risk of allergic reactions like some other types of metal dental crowns.

Requires minimal tooth reduction: Zirconium dental crowns require less tooth reduction than other types of dental crowns, preserving more of the natural tooth structure.

Compatible: Zirconium dental crowns are compatible with other dental treatments, such as bridges and implants.

Resistant: Zirconium dental crowns are resistant to cracking and breaking, which also contributes to their long-lasting solution.

Comfortable: Zirconium dental crowns provide a comfortable feel in the mouth and provide a comfortable environment for normal oral activities such as chewing and speaking.

In summary, zirconium dental crowns are a popular choice for dental restoration due to their durability, aesthetic appeal, low risk of allergy, minimal tooth reduction required, compatibility with other dental treatments, and comfortable feel for normal oral activities.

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