Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that entails the surgical removal of a tooth afflicted with decay, damage, a fracture, infection, or gum disease.

Dental Extraction

Dental extractions are performed using various methods, determined by factors like the tooth’s structure, position, the patient’s dental and jaw anatomy, and the stage of gum disease. Simple tooth extractions involve the application of local anesthesia, and the dentist removes the tooth in a single session. Conversely, more complex and surgical methods are employed for other tooth extractions, particularly when the tooth is firmly attached to the bone or when it is broken, fragmented, or impacted.

After a tooth extraction, it is vital to follow the care instructions provided by the dentist diligently. These instructions may include specific restrictions, such as avoiding biting down, consuming hot beverages, or smoking for a designated period. Additionally, applying ice to the extraction area can assist in reducing pain and swelling. Following a diet of soft foods for a specified duration might also be recommended to promote a smoother recovery process.


When is Dental Extraction Performed?

Tooth extraction may be necessary for various dental problems.

Some of these include:

Tooth Decay: The weakening of the tooth’s internal tissues due to tooth decay may warrant tooth extraction.

Cracked or Fractured Tooth: Extraction may be necessary when a tooth is cracked or fractured.

Gum Disease: Advanced gum disease can result in gum tissue recession, exposing the tooth root and potentially requiring tooth extraction.

Tooth Impaction: Teeth can occasionally become tightly lodged and difficult to remove, necessitating tooth extraction.

Severe Damage: If a tooth is severely damaged, the dentist may choose extraction over attempting repair.

Orthodontic Treatment: Certain orthodontic treatments may involve the extraction of teeth.

Developmental Problems: Anomalies in tooth development may obstruct the path of eruption, leading to the need for tooth extraction.

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